
Thursday, October 6, 2011

Fresh Strawberry Shakes

It was never my intention to put this on the blog.  Not right now anyway.  Fall is here!  It's time for soup and bread and all forms of baked goods, not time for ice cream!  I have to admit though, I eat ice cream year round.  I actually don't strictly follow any of the season rules.  I will eat soup in the summertime and lemonade in winter.  I know, I am outrageous, right?  Practically a daredevil. 
Last night we had these strawberry shakes.  They are so easy I felt silly even posting the recipe.  Maybe each month I should have some kind of crazy recipe that throws everyone off.  This is mine for the month.
It's probably too simple.
Probably too cold.
Or maybe it will be life changing. ;)
I have been making and eating shakes my whole life (fine, since I was 7).  If you know me, you've heard the stories.  This might be my favorite shake of all time.  We used to make them in the blender, and that's okay to still do.  But my favorite way to make these is in the food processor.  I am a chunky, thick shake kind of girl.  The food processor makes it so I can add just a couple tablespoons of milk, so it's extra thick and it keeps the strawberries chunky.  Once they mix, the ice cream makes the strawberries super cold and I love the texture.  I may be making another one tonight now that I am talking about it.

Strawberry Shakes
8 oz strawberries
3-4 cups ice cream (I do about 3, I think)
1-2 Tablespoons of milk (if necessary)

In food processor with steel blade, add strawberries and ice cream, pulse until desired consistency, add milk a tablespoon at a time if needed.
If you are using the blender and you like your shakes chunky too, you can add 3/4 of the strawberries, you might need a bit extra milk with the ice cream to get it to blend, blend well, then chop up the remaining strawberries and stir into shake.
We like to serve ours in frosty mugs.
Serves 2-3

1 comment:

  1. Too good, too good, too good. For a while there, we were having one of these every night. Best shake I have EVER had. Even my own Oreo shake invention can not compare to this.


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